2017.09-2021.08 - 南开大学 - 国际关系博士学位
2013.09-2015.07 - 南开大学 - 国际关系硕士学位
2012.01-2012.07 - 哥伦比亚特区大学(美国)- 政治学奖学金
2010.09-2013.07 - 桑德兰大学(英国)- 政治与历史本科学位
2021.10-至今:南开大学周恩来政府管理学院国际关系系 助理研究员
2019年 - 国家留学基金管理委员会 - 中国政府优秀来华留学生奖学金
2019年 - 国家留学基金管理委员会 - 荣誉证书 中国政府优秀来华留学博士生论坛上发表主题报告
2019年 - 国家留学基金管理委员会 - 荣誉证书 中国政府优秀来华留学博士生代表
2019年 - 南开大学 - 特别贡献奖
2019年 - 南开大学 - 南开大学留学生学业优秀奖一等奖
2017年 - 国家留学基金管理委员会 - 中国政府奖学金
2014年 - 南开大学 - 南开大学留学生学习优秀奖
2013年 - 桑德兰大学 - Certificate of Achievement
2012年 - 桑德兰大学 - 美国学期学习奖学金
Richard J. Cook, Maximilian Ohle and Zhaoying Han. (2021). “The Illusion of the China-US-Europe Strategic Triangle: Reactions from German and the UK.” The Journal of Chinese Political Science. Special Issue (SSCI). IF: 1.69. Accepted Manuscript.
Richard J. Cook, Maximilian Ohle and Zhaoying Han. (2021). “Bargaining Interactions Reconsidered: TheKorean Peninsula Nuclear Crisis Viewed through the Lens of Hierarchy.” The Pacific Review 34(1): 113-145. (SSCI). IF: 2.43.
Maximilian Ohle, Richard J. Cook, Srdan M. Jovanovic and Zhaoying Han. (2021). “Russia’s Architecture of Hegemony: Christian Orthodox Subordination Strategies in Russia’s Peripheral Zone.” Europe-Asia Studies. Published online https://doi.org/10.1080/09668136.2021.1917518. (SSCI). IF: 2.1.
Maximilian Ohle, Richard J. Cook and Zhaoying Han. (2020). “China’s Engagement with Kazakhstan and Russia’s Zugzwang: Why Is Nur-Sultan Incurring Regional Power Hedging?” Journal of Eurasian Studies. 11(1): 86-103. IF: 0.4.
Maximilian Ohle, Richard J. Cook, Zhaoying Han and Rysbek Mamazhanov. (2019). “Caught in the Middle: What Is Bishkek's Hedging Stratagem?” Contemporary Eurasia 8(1): 45-62.
Richard J. Cook, Maximilian Ohle, Zhaoying Han and Srdan M. Jovanovic. (2019). “Bridging the Theorist-Practitioner Gap in IR: What are the Risks and Benefits?” Korean Journal of International Studies 17(2): 103-131 (ESCI).
Richard J. Cook and Srdan M. Jovanovic (2019). “The Emu Strikes Back: An Inquiry into Australia’s Peculiar Military Action of 1932.” The Romanian Journal of Historical Studies 2(1): 1-11.
Srdan M. Jovanovic and Richard J. Cook. (2019). “The Operational Code Analysis of the Serbian Orthodox Church’s Official Political Discourse on Kosovo.” SEEU Review 14(1): 250-270.
Zhaoying Han, Richard J. Cook and Maximilian Ohle. (2019). “The Thucydides Trap on the Korean Peninsula: So Why Won't the USA and China Get Caught?” The Journal of Chinese Political Science 24(1): 105-127. Special Issue (SSCI). IF: 1.69.
“Order Building with Chinese Characteristics: Terraforming the Periphery through coordinated Economic Corridors”, held by 中巴合作国际会议, at Sichuan University, China Center for South Asian Studies (23-24/10/2021).
“A ‘Pariah’ on the Periphery? Understanding Beijing’s Strategic Patience on Post-Coup Myanmar”, held by 百年变局下的国际秩序与大国关系, at Nankai University, The Zhou Enlai School of Government (10/07/2021).
“The Illusion of the Sino-US-Europe Strategic Triangle: Reactions from Germany and the UK”, held by China-US-Europe: Global Power Triangles and the Remaking of the International Order, at The Confucius Institute of the Freie Universitat Berlin, European Institute for Asian Studies (22/10/2020).
“Coordinated Economic Corridors: An Analysis of China’s Extrinsic Performances as an Extension of Its Intrinsic Practices”, held by 33rd Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Association of Chinese Political Science, at the Association of Chinese Political Science and Middlebury College (19/10/2020). This paper was also presented at the 第十届复旦大学中国周边外交研讨会, held by Fudan University (12/11/2020).
“May’s Mayday: An Operational Code Analysis on the Rt. Hon. Theresa May’s Brexit Speeches (2016-2019)” held by Foreign Policy Analysis Beyond the West: A Chinese Perspective, at the Beijing University (16/11/2019).
“Russia’s Architecture of Hegemony: Christian Orthodox Subordination Strategies in Russia’s Peripheral Zone” held by International Studies Association (ISA), CEEISA-ISA2019, at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Science (17/6/2019).