[1] Diyi Liu; 4th Edition of International YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARDS, ScienceFather, BEST RESEARCHER AWARD, 国际青年学术奖, 2023.
[2] Diyi Liu; JMS年会博士生论坛,优秀论文奖,2023.
[3] Diyi Liu; 顶尖博士学位论文国际化培育项目,优秀论文奖,2021.
[5] Diyi Liu; 博士国家奖学金/优秀博士毕业生,2018/2021.
Energy Policy 特邀审稿人
Transportation Research Part A/F; Journal of Cleaner Production 等期刊匿名审稿人
[1] Liu D, Du H, Southworth F, et al. The influence of social-psychological factors on the intention to choose low-carbon travel modes in Tianjin, China[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2017, 105: 42-53.
[2] Du H, Liu D, Southworth F, et al. Pathways for energy conservation and emissions mitigation in road transport up to 2030: A case study of the Jing-Jin-Ji area, China[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 162: 882-893.
[3] Du H, Liu D, Sovacool B K, et al. Who buys New Energy Vehicles in China? Assessing social-psychological predictors of purchasing awareness, intention, and policy[J]. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2018, 58: 56-69.
[4] Du H, Liu D, Lu Z, et al. Research development on sustainable urban infrastructure from 1991 to 2017: a bibliometric analysis to inform future innovations[J]. Earth's Future, 2019, 7(7): 718-733.
[5] Zhang X, Liu D, Wang Y, et al. Behavioral Intentions of Urban Rail Transit Passengers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Tianjin, China: A Model Integrating the Theory of Planned Behavior and Customer Satisfaction Theory[J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021, 2021: 1-12.
[6] Li X, Liu D*, Zhang Z, et al. The impact of internal and external green supply chain management activities on performance improvement: evidence from the automobile industry[J]. Heliyon, 2022, 8(11).
[7] Liu D, Cheng K, Huang K, et al. Visualization and Analysis of Air Pollution and Human Health Based on Cluster Analysis: A Bibliometric Review from 2001 to 2021[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(19): 12723.
[8] Liu D, Qi S, Xu T. In the post-subsidy era: How to encourage mere consumers to become prosumers when subsidy reduced?[J]. Energy Policy, 2023, 174: 113451.
[9] Chen Z, Zhang Z, Liu D, et al. What drives the temporal dynamics and spatial differences of urban and rural household emissions in China?[J]. Energy Economics, 2023, 125: 106849.
[10] Liu D, Qi S, Xu T. Visual observation or oral communication? The effect of social learning on solar photovoltaic adoption intention in rural China[J]. Energy Research & Social Science, 2023, 97: 102950.
[11] Gao X, Zhang G, Zhang Z, Wei Y, Liu D, Chen, Y. (2024). How does new energy demonstration city pilot policy affect carbon dioxide emissions? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China. Environmental Research, 2024, 117912.
[12] Liu D, Zou H, Qiu Y, Du. H. Consumer reaction to green subsidy phase-out in China: Evidence from the household photovoltaic industry[J]. Energy Economics, 2024, 129: 107270.
[13] Xu T, Mo L, Liu D*. Feed-in tariff or sheep farming subsidy? Implications of promoting photovoltaic energy by solar sheep raising[J]. Energy Policy, 2024, 184: 113888.
[14] Xu T, Liu D*, Mo L. Policy design of government subsidy for end-of-life solar panel recycling[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2024.
[15] Zhang C, Du H, Liu D*. Peer effect and risk perception on preventive health behavior in a relatively closed environment: evidence from the Omicron pandemic in China[J]. Current Psychology, 2024.
[16]涂强,刘迪一等. 光伏扶贫与地区经济增长——基于中国722个贫困县2013-2019年面板数据的实证研究. 管理科学学报,2024.
[17] 刘迪一等. “义利相兼”: 个体激励型自愿减排机制能否提升地区碳排放绩效?.中国人口·资源与环境,2024.(第一作者)
[18] 刘迪一等. “命令控制型” 还是“市场导向型”?中国式环境规制对城市群大气污染治理的影响评估,系统工程理论与实践,2024.(第一作者)
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持。
[2] 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目,主持。
[3] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(荣获一等资助),主持。
[4] 天津市哲学社会科学规划项目,主持。
[5] 中央高校基本科研项目,主持。
[6] 顶尖博士学位论文国际化培育项目, 结项评估为“优”,主持。
[7] 教育部社科重大项目,参与。
[8] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,参与。
[9] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与。
[10] 科技部国家重点研发计划重点专项,参与。
[11] 国务院发展研究中心项目,参与。